New APLESA Executive Committee elected into office for a two year period 2023- 2025

Dr. Isaiah Munyoro
President (Zimbabwe)

Mr. Innocent Rugambwa
Vice President (Uganda)

Mr. Simon J. Engitu ,
General Secretary (Uganda)

Mr. Andrew Bayunga
Treasurer (Uganda)

Ms. Moreblessing Charungwa
Member (Zimbabwe)

Mr. Wilson Nkambule
Member (Eswatini)

Ms. Irene Kiruri
Member (Kenya)

Chama Mpundu Mfula
APLESA President emeritus
Key roles of the APLESA Executive Committee
- Actively participate in the APLESA executive committee and annual general meetings
- Site visits to host parliament for the APLESA annual conferences
- Liaising with other library associations e.g. the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and other related professional bodies and Coordination with member parliamentary libraries.
- Carrying out administrative functions of the association, including undertaking such additional duties as may be necessary for driving the agenda and mandate of the association among others.